UPDATE: NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers

Have you heard about the new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for homecare providers and their caregivers in NYS? Starting October 7, 2021, caregivers must be vaccinated to continue caring for patients.

Luckily, medflyt has you covered. We’ve already integrated COVID-19 vaccine compliance into the medflyt ecosystem so your agency can continue working with no interruptions to patient care. 

Medflyt Compliance Passport automatically reminds caregivers to get vaccinated by the deadline and prompts them to submit their vaccination cards as soon as they’ve received their shot. We nag them, so you don’t have to!

Track caregiver vaccination status from the compliance dashboard to ensure all caregivers are compliant with the new mandate.

See how the compliance dashboard and medflyt passport works:

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