Mobile Solutions for Home Health Care Agencies

3 Fail-Safe Steps to Easily Meet the EVV Training Deadline

Written by Medflyt Central | Sep 13, 2021 1:00:00 PM

Are your team members trained on Electronic Visit Verification yet? 

If you aren’t already in the process of getting your team trained on the ins and outs of EVV, don’t worry. With the right approach and resources, you still have time to meet the requirements.  

Here are three fail-safe steps you can take now to meet the looming October 1 deadline.

Step #1: Make Training Easy for Your Team

Your team of caregivers are busy with patient care. They don’t need another meeting or in-person training on their schedule. 

You will notice an immediate increase in active participation if you focus on making EVV training easy for your team. Find a platform that allows you to make training easy to access. Online training is a wonderful option that is gaining traction across the industry. Look for a platform that allows caregivers to access digital training easily on any device they choose, including their smartphones. Allowing them the freedom to choose when and where they access the EVV training will help you ensure you meet regulations by the October 1 deadline.

Looking for a way to entice caregivers to take online EVV training prior to the upcoming deadline? Offer incentives like gift cards for gas, a free day off, or another fun giveaway and draw winners from a list of caregivers who completed the training on time.

Speaking of making training as easy as possible, ensure your caregivers are able to take the training in the language of their choice. While many caregivers speak English well, they may choose to learn in their first language so they can digest the information more easily. Only exceptional online training platforms offer this option, but it is well worth it for your caregiver team.

Step #2: Double-Check Your Curriculum

Is your EVV training meeting your state’s training guidelines? Without a proper curriculum designed to meet state recommendations, your agency will not be in compliance. Take a moment to find a training that hits every bullet point given by your state’s Department of Health.

Exceptional online training platforms will feature state-specific EVV training courses. It’s also important to make sure the curriculum is engaging and interactive. If your team of caregivers does not retain the EVV information, they are less likely to stay compliant, which will lead to more paperwork for everyone in the long run. Search for an online training platform that uses contemporary learning methods aimed at the adult learner; you’ll notice a difference in the experience immediately.

Step #3: Track It

When it comes to effective training, both agency supervisors and caregivers need easy ways to track their progress. Find a platform that supports automatic reminders via a smartphone app for caregivers. This way, caregivers are empowered to stay on track with EVV training deadlines and supervisors aren’t wasting valuable time contacting caregivers to remind them of their training requirements.

Find a system that makes tracking your whole agency’s training status as easy as possible. You and your supervisors should be able to easily track training compliance in real-time across your whole agency on an easy-to-read dashboard. Then, when anyone notices a few caregivers are behind, you can send out additional reminders to those particular team members with a push of a button. 

EVV training is crucial to your agency, and not just because it keeps you compliant. When your caregivers understand the important role they play in documentation and reimbursement, they are more likely to document correctly, thoroughly, and on time. Make training as easy as possible by allowing them the freedom to choose when, where and in what language, to complete their training, all while making tracking compliance easy for your coordinators as well.

Cheering you on as you meet your October 1 deadline!